Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pavlov's Drivers

I waved to basically every car who passed me nicely this morning on the ride down to Greenstreet.  It's really part of my plan to train Omaha motorists to think happy thoughts when they see cyclists.  We'll see how it goes.  The key is to wave with all of your fingers...

Last night I started reading Joyride by Mia Birk and I think it just might change the way I go about my daily life. Of course, I'm only about 50 pages in so I'll let you know how long my enthusiasm lasts, but so far so good.  The last few days have had a particular impact on me, thankfully in a good way. 

Yesterday I was asked to set up a little commuting/Greenstreet booth at OPPD's Earth Day celebration which was a really nice time.  Thanks to Rich Wilson for the invite again this year.  I had the opportunity to chat with many a cyclist about the routes they have (and don't have...yet!) and what they want to see done for bicycle transportation in Omaha.  The conversations that I found particularly inspiring however, were those had with folks who do not ride.  One woman approached me and said, "Are you one of those bikers that I see in the street and try not to hit?"  Ah, at least she didn't say "try TO hit."  This could have started better, but also could've been worse.  "Yes I am!" I cheerily replied and then engaged her in dialogue about why bike lanes or at least sharrows are important and safer for both cyclists and motorists alike. She did agree that it would be better for her to know that a cyclist is going to stay in their own lane, and walked away giving the idea a head nod and a smile.  I then and there decided that while I love talking with cyclists about the joys of riding, the more important demographic to educate is the motorist. 

Ahhhhh, work...not enough time to update the blog...but that's a start.  More later.

It's beeeeeeautiful out!!!  Get out and ride. Take a 1/2 day at work.  Do it.


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