Thursday, January 6, 2011

Beaut Commute

Boy it's a nice one out there!  Hope you're all out enjoying it a bit.  It seems to me that everyone out there today is feeling the love for this pleasant, unseasonal weather.  I'm afraid we may be in for a bit of snow come Sunday and Monday so enjoy the remainder of this week while it lasts!  As I cruised to a stop on 16th St. today, I had an enjoyable exchange with 2 presumably home-free folks. (I think home-free sounds nicer than homeless.)  They smiled as they crossed in front of me and I cheerily rang my bell to say hello.  This apparently opened up a conversation and we discussed the weather and how no one is complaining about it these days.  Nice gentlemen who were very enthusiastic about me riding. "I know it's nice out, but bike riding in the winter?  By CHOICE?!" This seemed to boggle their minds.  I reassured them that indeed it was my choice and one that I'm happy about.  "Good for you girl. Keep pedaling."  Cheers home-free men!

I have been noticing that it is also pot hole season.  With all of the freezing and thawing this time of year the roads can become a bit treacharous. 

Pics don't do them justice.  Purdy big ones on Woolworth.  Watch out!

My version of blow drying my hair. Rather effective
 but only recommend on non-freezing days.

Woolworth looking East towards 42nd.

Ooh, a truckload of bikes just showed up from Specialized; gotta go! Get out there and pedal, talk to the people out and about and watch where you're going!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It is nice out. Chilly, but not too cold.

    The only thing missing is a special-order, made-in-Omaha, wool cap that's just my size.

    Hint, Hint. :)

  3. Just got off the phone with her and it's on the way! Thanks for your patience. It will be here sooooonly!

  4. No hurry... really. Just give me a shout when it's in. Thanks for making these available.

  5. S:

    Go here:

    Online form to report pothole... keep me updated how it goes and how I can make things better.


  6. Scott- Your hat just arrived today!! Come by and see if it fits.

    Carlos- Awesome!!! Thanks duder.
